Early Adaption for Flutter Web: Dart’s HTML & JavaScript Proxying

Vaygeth (Abdulmohsen)
3 min readOct 11, 2019

This is part of a series aimed to demonstrate of using Flutter framework as web app covering different use-cases.

About the article

This article will cover the ability of Flutter & Dart to access more features than the Flutter SDK offers of using the Widget systems that is being used to develop mobile apps for iOS & Android platforms, like the browser’s DOM features using Dart’s HTML & JavaScript proxying (interlope).


  • Assumes you are already setup Flutter SDK and Flutter CLI
  • Assumes you already have some experience with some programming languages and Flutter framework.
  • Installed Google Chrome Browser
  • Your Flutter’s SDK is set to read from the master branch (where Flutter libraries resides), you can set it up by running the following commands:
Point Flutter SDK to Master Branch
flutter channel master
Updates Flutter SDK
flutter upgrade
Enable Flutter for Web Builds
flutter config --enable-web
flutter create flutter_for_web_part1cd flutter_for_web_part1Runs the app on chrome
flutter run -d chrome

The Demo App

The application

The app is very simple, it will contain 2 Images & floating action button that if clicked it will execute certain HTML & JavaScripts interlopes functionalities:

Flutter Project

Only main.dart

The projects only consists of single dart file main.dart. For simplicity main.dart will contain the whole app.



The important snippets in the main.dart file is the following:

The library imports

Here we are importing Dart’s proxying libraries for both HTML & JavaScript and giving an alias using as keyword to them in order to make our code more readable.

import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:js' as js;

The Buttons

// InkWell is widget used to add taps & gestures events to childInkWell(onTap: () {html.window.localStorage.addEntries([MapEntry("data", "this data is stored on browser local storage")]);js.JsObject jsonObject = js.JsObject(js.context['Object']);jsonObject["message"] = 'Flutter Web';js.context["console"].callMethod("log", ['internalRoute', '\n', jsonObject["message"]]);},
child: Image.network("https://flutter.dev/assets/flutter-lockup-4cb0ee072ab312e59784d9fbf4fb7ad42688a7fdaea1270ccf6bbf4f34b7e03f.svg",
width: 200,height: 200,),
InkWell(onTap: () {String externalUrl ='https://github.com/vaygeth89/flutter_for_web_part1';html.window.alert("You're being redirected to \n $externalUrl");js.context.callMethod("open", [externalUrl]);},child: Image.network("https://github.githubassets.com/images/modules/logos_page/GitHub-Mark.png",width: 100,height: 100,
//Rest of the code

Tapping Flutter Logo

When you tap Flutter’s logo the app will execute

1- Save some data to local storage

html.window.localStorage.addEntries([MapEntry("data", "this data is stored on browser local storage")]);

2- Create an Object and assign data for it using JavaScript DOM objects

//Creates json object from javascript library
js.JsObject jsonObject = js.JsObject(js.context['Object']);
//Create object {"message":"Flutter Web"}
jsonObject["message"] = 'Flutter Web';

3- Print Data to Browser Console using console.log()

//Executes javascripts console.log();
['still in the same page', '\n', jsonObject["message"]]);

The js.context[“object”].callMethod(“method name”, options) grants you access to javascripts DOM methods like console logs, open url, prompts…etc, refer to https://api.dartlang.org/stable/2.5.2/dart-js/dart-js-library.html

Tapping Github Logo

When you tap on Github’s Logo the app will show Alert popup message and redirect you to this tutorial Github repository using

String externalUrl ='https://github.com/vaygeth89/flutter_for_web_part1';html.window.alert("You're being redirected to \n $externalUrl");
js.context.callMethod("open", [externalUrl])

Tapping Floating Action Button

When you tap the floating action button the app will reload the current page

floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
child: Icon(Icons.refresh),
onPressed: (){


The takes is not limited to these features, you can do more to access the DOM as if you can writing vanilla HTML & JavaScript to manipulate the DOM like accessing getDocumentById & getDocumentByElement, StyleSheets …etc, refer to for more examples https://dart.dev/tutorials/web/low-level-html/add-elements


Flutter for web: https://flutter.dev/web

Tutorial Github repository: https://github.com/vaygeth89/flutter_for_web_part1

Dart’s HTML Low Level examples: https://dart.dev/tutorials/web/low-level-html/add-elements



Vaygeth (Abdulmohsen)

I’m a software developer & UI/UX designer who want to share my experience with fellow developers. abdulmohsen.co https://www.patreon.com/vaygeth